Home Renovations & Additions in Port Macquarie & Wauchope
Let us help to add value to your home with a new extension or addition...
Running out of room and need to expand?
Have you just moved into your new house, or have been living there for a while and are looking to change the layout to maximize the use of your existing floor space?
You may want to extend further outwards, create a new bedroom, enclose an existing verandah, or expand your roof to create a new undercover outdoor or enclosed area.
Master Builders, Slocombe Building, handles all planning and building correspondence required for Port Macquarie Hastings Council. We provide concept designs, submit plans, and correspond with Council on your behalf right through to final approval while keeping you in the loop every step of the way.
Since 2009 Slocombe Building have been creating new builds for Port Macquarie residents. These include granny flats, cabanas and gazebos, as well as renovations and additions on existing houses in the Port Macquarie Hasting Council area.